Qing Wang
简介王青,建筑师,从上海大学美术学院附中开始,接受了8年的正规艺术训练。在2007年,从美国加州大学伯克利分校取得建筑学专业硕士。就学期间,他获得了许多荣誉,包括当他在彼得艾森曼建筑事务所工作期间赢得的意大利庞贝火车站设计竞赛,并在2006年威尼斯双年展展出;2006年ULI学生城市设计竞赛的入选。同时,作为一个实践建筑师,他的设计也赢得了许多项目,例如江西省的天工开物展览中心,鄂尔多斯商业中心的概念设计,南京财经大学孵化办公楼概念设计。除此之外,他还致力于多领域合作和学术研究。他的毕业论文关注通过文化和现代技术的结合把上海传统文化社区重新激活。在从美国回到他的家乡上海之后,王青保持与当地的艺术家和设计师沟通,继续他的研究。 在2010年,王青和声音艺术家殷漪合作完成了由英国大使馆发起的上海南站一平方英里项目的区域性城市研究和工作坊。2010年三月,他的双语书籍“交叉视角”欧美著名建筑与城市院校动态访谈精选出版。其中,他用中文和英文编写并广泛系统地介绍了欧美建筑教育的趋势。 |
About his research and inspiration for the 3rdI project
I have done some research on the Shanghai water system, and below are some diagrams that further explain it.
“Shanghai” in Chinese translates to ”the place by the ocean.” In reality, the city is never separated from the water. It derives from the water. It sits at the outlet of Yan Zi River (Chang Jiang River) as it connects to the East Sea. Yet, the city of Shanghai is one of the 32 most lacking of drinkable water because of the level of pollution.
The government is working on getting clean drinkable water from other sources far away from the city, such as Chang Jiang River. My research and project interest is not just about how to deal with the water pollution problem. Beyond that, I am interested in looking back at the history of how Shanghai people lived with their water supply and it’s role in the future of the city. I think that the water will become the key image and play a significant role in Shanghai within this post-industrial era, our so-called “information society.”
Wall-Like Stage