Metropolis Ruhr
From 2006 onwards various projects were conducted with High Schools, academic students and professionals for the THIRD EYE project. See who participated and check their maquettes in the online collection.
Teams Metropolis Ruhr
Cybercity Ruhr has conducted workshops with many different High Schools all around the Ruhr area. These workshops started in 2006. In each workshop participants get to do different modules. Eventually the students will design and build a maquette on the basis of the information they have gained through the different modules.
To conduct the educational workshops, Cybercity Ruhr has cooperated with different artists, architects, educators and institutions, such as the Ruhr Museum, Stadtmuseum Hattingen, the archives of the cities of Essen, Herne and Bochum, as well as the Bochum University of Applied Science, department of architecture, Prof. Gatermann. We worked together with the Kulturwerkstatt Bottrop within the frame of the project „Heimat – was ist das?“. Our cooperation partner JAS e.V. organized a workshop for children within the framework of THE THIRD EYE during their summer academy. JAS e.V. – Jugend Architektur Stadt is a non-profit organization which furthers the architecural and cultural education of children. On this page you can see the participating High Schools, the modules they did and you can learn about the artists that were involved in the THIRD EYE project in the Ruhr area. All the maquettes they made are presented in the online collection. Next to High School students Cybercity Ruhr also works with academic students and professional artists. They do not follow any workshops but conduct their own research and creative process, out of which they also create a maquette. |
High Schools Ruhr |
High Schools Ruhr A large part of the school projects that were realised within the framework of THE THIRD EYE were funded by 'Kultur und Schule'; a program of the North-Rhine-Westfalian government. The program supports artistic projects in schools. The modules that were conducted in most of the workshops are:
Modules 1. Research urban history, present, future; 2. Favourite and hate place; 3. City walk; 4. Intuitive map drawing; 5. Building a video robot; 6. Constructing a maquette and environment; 7. Local exhibition.
Bochum Heinrich von Kleist Schule, 2008/2009
Bottrop Berufskolleg Bottrop, 2008/2009 Hauptschule Lehmkuhle, 2008/2009 Hauptschule Wehlheim, 2008/2009 Willi-Brandt-Gesamtschule, 2008/2009
Dortmund Anne-Frank-Gesamtschule, 2009-2010
Duisburg Erich-Kästner-Gesamtschule, 2009/2010
Essen Gesamtschule Bockmühle, 2007/2008 Gesamtschule Süd, 2006/2007 Hauptschule Karnap, 2006/2007/2008 UNESCO-schule, 2008/2009 Helmholtz-Gymnasium, 2009/2010
Gelsenkirchen Gesamtschule Buer-Mitte, 2008/2009 JAS Sommerakademie, 2009
Hattingen Gesamtschule und Stadtmuseum, 2008
Herne Realschule Crange, 2007/2008 Erich Fried Gesamtschule, 2007/2008
Moers Gymnasium Rheinkamp, 2009/2010
Oberhausen Elsa-Brandstörm Gymnasium, 2009/2010 Kit e.V., 2009/2010
Recklinghausen Albert-Schweizer Schule, 2009/2010
Sprockhövel Hauptschule Niedersprockhövel, 2008/2009 |